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The Art of

 taught by Leo & Tracey of  TANGO FANDANGO

Professional dancers & teachers of
Argentine Tango

Styles of Argentine Tango

The Argentine Tango encompasses 6 different styles:


Tango Canyengue

Tango Orillero

Tango Milonguero

Tango Salon

Tango Nuevo



Leo and Tracey dancing Milonguero style of Argentine Tango

The Tango Salon style of Argentine Tango - what is it?

The Tango Salon style describes a type of dancing also popular in the 30s and 40s to music by typical orchestras such as Carlos di Sarli and Florindo Sassone etc. The music is elegant and more expansive than the Milonguero style. The dancing focused more on the melody.  

What characterises the style of Tango Salon?

The Tango Salon style is more about the melody. During the 1940s the Tango became popular amongst the middle and upper classes and as a result it became more ‘refined’. Away from the crowded barrios and conventillos of the working classes, the Tango adapted to the more salubrious surroundings of moneyed society and became more expansive and elegant.

It was danced in the houses of wealthy people who had ‘salons’, and the space which allowed the Tango to ‘breath’. The hold or embrace became slightly more open on occasion and the emphasis was on pure walking and figures which emphasised the melody rather than the rhythm. 

A variant of the Tango Salon style is the ‘Villa Urquiza style’ which originated in the Urquiza ‘barrio’ or ‘neighbourhood’ of Buenos Aires. 

Tango Fandango Video - the Tango Salon style

The video shows an improvisation by Leo and Tracey to Patetico at La Perla Milonga in Putney, London in 2016. 

Leo and Tracey dancing an improvisation of Tango Salon followed by the rhythm of Vals at the London Waldorf Hilton Tango Supper in 2014. They produced their improvised cabaret called ‘Postcards of Tango’ for 5 years at this venue.  

Leo and Tracey teach all the styles of Argentine Tango.

If you are interested in learning more about this style or any of the others, then contact them via Facebook, email info@tango-fandango.co.uk or visit their website www.tango-fandango.co.uk for details of their weekly classes throughout Dorset and Hampshire or their workshops across the UK.

Private lessons of Canyengue are available on request. 

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To learn more  - get in touch with Leo & Tracey


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